2023 Annual Report

Text: Clare Housing 2023 Annual Report. Through affordable supportive housing, Clare Housing helps create home, health, and hope for people living with and affected by HIV. Housing is the key to stopping the spread of HIV, making it possible for people to receive healthcare, reconnect with families and social networks and improve their mental health.We truly appreciate our donors, funders, volunteers, board and staff for your continued support and dedication. You have an essential role in all that we do.
Text: 2023 at a glance. The 25 apartments illustrated represent the demographics of our residents. 354 residents in 293 households served in 2023. 84% of residents are undetectable for HIV, meaning their viral load is so low they cannot transmit HIV to others. 80% of residents are connected to medical care. 75% of residents maintained housing for at least 12 months. 22% of residents have lived in their apartment for 5 or more years. 10% of residents are employed and working full or part time.
Race & ethnicity: Asian-American and Pacific Islander 0.3%, Latino 3.8%, African Born 4%, Native American 4.5%,, Other/Mixed Race 4.8%, White 35%, Black/African-American 48%. Age: Under 18 16%, 18-25 2%, 26-35 14%, 36-45 17%, 46-55 22%, 55 and over 29%. Gender: Non-Binary 2%, Male 69%, Female 29%. Female is broken down to 19% Trans Female and 81% Cis Female.
2023 financials Statement of financial position: Cash $275264, Other current assets $1020160, Investments $2975849, Property & Long-Term Assets $4741253, Total assets $9012526. Payables and accruals $396610, deferred revenue $50,000, Total liabilities $446610, Total net assets $8565916, Total liabilities and net assets $9012526. Statement of activities: Program income $3340358, government grants $1986884, Gifts and contributions $939053, Other income $328032, Operating revenue $6594327. Program services $4880417, Management and general $1287766, fundraising $479592, Operating expense $6647775, operating deficit ($53448). Financials excludes affiliated property management partnerships. For further information please click here for our audited financial statement.  Expenses: Management and general 19%, Fundraising 7%, Program services 74%. Income: Program income 51%, Government grants 30%, Gifts and contributions 14%, Other income 5%.
3000 volunteer hours served in 2023. “The opportunity to not just do things for residents, but be with the residents has been profoundly life-changing for me.” -A Volunteer “It means so much to know that when I come to work every day we are improving people’s lives and meeting their basic needs.” -A staff member. “I believe that Clare Housing is about love, unity, being able to come together and believe better things are possible.” -A Resident
 Barriers to housing. Out of every 10 Clare housing residents... 6 have an active substance use disorder, 5 are a part of the LGBTQ+ community, 3 have a criminal history, 7 have a mental health condition, 6 have previously experienced homelessness.
Click here to donate now and support our residents. "We all need a home first, then supportive services, harm reduction, improved health, community - they all come from that base." -Clare Housing donor