Welcome to Our New Board Members! — 

We are excited to announce we have six new people joining our Board of Directors in 2019. Along with their fellow board members, this group of talented community leaders will shape the direction of our organization over the coming years. We have also elected a new group of executive committee members for 2019.

Executive Committee

President: John Estrem
Vice President: Deb Loon Stumbras
Treasurer: Bill Murtaugh
Secretary: Don Moschkau

New Board Members

Alejandro Aguilera, Clinic 555
Amelious N. Whyte, Jr., College of Liberal Arts, UMN
Kevin Deese, JustUs Health
Louellen Essex, Ph.D., Louellen Essex & Associates
Andrew Kleinendorst, Minnesota Department of Commerce
Rachel C. Robinson, NOAH Impact Fund, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund

Special thanks to outgoing board members Mark Bishop, Kelsey Vatsaas, and David Vieths for their many years of service to our organization.