Be a Table Host
Do you believe in Clare Housing’s mission?
Do you have friends who would support our mission if they got the chance to learn more?
If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, please consider being a Table Host for our annual fundraiser, A Place to Call Home. This year the event will be hosted at the Fillmore.
As a Table Host, Will I Have to Sell Tickets to the Lunch?
No. Unlike many fundraising events, attending A Place to Call Home, our annual fundraiser, is absolutely FREE for you and the guests you invite.
As a Table Host, Is There a Minimum Amount of Money I Need to Raise?
No. As a Table Host, your job is not to fundraise for us! At no point will you need to ask the people you invite for donations. Your role is simply to invite friends who you think would be moved by the work that we do at Clare Housing.
Although this is a fundraiser, there is no minimum contribution required. You and your guests should give solely based on our mission and the impact you envision.
While there’s no minimum contribution required to attend, your guests should know in advance that they will be asked to give as a part of the program. We’ll give you the talking points you need to make this clear.
For more information please contact Debbie Wyman, Events Manager, at 612.236.9528 or to learn more.
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