How does housing radically improve HIV health outcomes? Why is it an essential part of ending the HIV epidemic? Join us for an HIV & Homelessness 101 learning session and find out! This event is not a fundraiser. It’s how we share our mission, and find new volunteers. Register now using the form below.

Attend HIV & Homelessness 101

All sessions are 45 minutes long and take place virtually over Zoom. You will receive attendance information via email before the date you have registered for.

Upcoming sessions:

Tuesday, April 8, 11:45 AM
Thursday, May 9, 8:15 AM
Tuesday, June 11, 11:45 AM

Register now

We are always looking for other ways to share our HIV & Homelessness 101 in the community.

Ideas include but not limited to:

  • Host a Lunch ‘n Learn virtually for your employees!  All it takes is a simple invitation from you to your colleagues and we will do the rest.
  • Host a private HIV & Homelessness 101 learning session tailored to fit your schedule. We are always ready with fun ideas to share Clare Housing’s work with others.

Help our mission become a movement! By hosting an HIV & Homelessness 101 learning session you are helping us educate our communities about the power of housing in helping people living with HIV take control of their health and stop the spread of HIV.

Have ideas or questions? Please call Jenny Harding, Director of Advancement at 612-236-9517 or

HIV & Homelessness 101 is supported by Clare Housing’s Architect Sponsors.