McCormick Gustafson new Supportive Services Manager of Clare Midtown — 

We are thrilled for McCormick to join us at Clare Midtown! Let’s learn a bit more about him.

Can you tell us what initially attracted you to working with Clare Housing?

 Clare Housing has a long history of providing high quality support to the community. They have a strong passion for treating everyone with equity and inclusion in mind.  They believe in Harm Reduction and Housing First principles, which I believe are fundamental to the success of our residents.

Tell us a bit about your work history and how you expect this experience to inform your NEW role.

I have worked in Supportive Housing the past 4 years. In my previous role I directed a Long-Term Homeless and men’s chemical dependency program. In that role I gained valuable knowledge in Harm Reduction and Housing First that can be directly input to Clare Housing’s policy and procedure. I love working with individuals in the community I was born and raised in. I value the input of all residents and team members to foster an environment of equity and inclusion.

What personal values are you looking forward to bringing to this new role?

I believe that everyone deserves a place to call Home. I believe that having a safe, comfortable place to be is the first step to long term success in all manners of life.

 Tell us a fun or surprising fact about you, or about what you like to do in your free time!

I like to spend my free time up north at my cabin with my family and friends.

Welcome, McCormick! We’re happy to have you on the team!