Meet Mary Novak

Mary believes in the power of housing and how foundational it is for all aspects of life. In her words, “Housing is healthcare and Clare Housing successfully houses people who then become healthier because of stability, support and readily available services. They remove barriers to people achieving a better quality of life.”
Can you talk about what interested you in serving on Clare Housing’s board of directors?
Serving on Clare Housing’s board of directors interested me because their model works. 90% of residents maintain their housing for over 12 months and are virally suppressed for HIV. They work with people as individuals and staff create welcoming communities where residents feel respected and accepted. Being a part of something with this kind of impact means a lot to me and if my skill set can be helpful to propelling the mission, it feels like the right thing to do.
What about your professional background helps inform your work on the board?
My background is affordable housing and community development. Much of my work has been focused on supportive housing. The first development of my career (in California) was focused on households where one person was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS and being a part of that work shaped me as a person/professional. I truly believe housing is the foundation from which people can build the other aspects of their life. For this reason, my profession is a big part of my life work. Finding ways to be involved in my community is important to me and I feel honored to be a part of Clare Housing.
What lasting lesson have you learned from working with Clare?
I have learned that passionate people can come together to solve big issues. When Clare Housing got started it began with a commitment to provide compassionate care to people being forgotten by most of society due to their AIDS diagnosis. The work that started small has been able to grow into what is today. It continues to shape and shift as the needs of the community evolve. My lesson learned is that truly a small group of people can put something into motion and make a lasting difference.
What does “success” mean to you in terms of your work on the board?
I know my work on the board is successful when our goals continue to be met as an organization. Also, when we have a community event or fundraiser and hundreds of people show up because they support the mission of Clare Housing, I know our collective board work means we are on the right track.
What do you hope to accomplish in your term with the board?
When my board service comes to an end, I will be most proud of knowing that the next generation of directors are orientated to the work, passionate about the mission and evolving to meet the needs of the community.