Meet Robert

Robert is a man with salt and pepper hair and mirthful sparkle in his eye. He moves resolutely but slowly with the aide of his cane to the conference room where we sat down to talk. Robert is a long-term HIV survivor. He was first diagnosed positive in 1984.
Before the advent of HIV drugs in 1994, Robert took medications that were tremendously hard on his body. The side-effects caused damage to his neurons. But he’s still here, and he’s proud to say that his HIV is undetectable today.
Robert first moved to Clare Housing after he discovered he was having trouble taking his medications on his own. As one of our Home Care program residents, Robert is the beneficiary of a popular but little-known Medicaid waiver that supports many people living with disabilities in Minnesota.
What is CADI?
Called the Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver, this state program enables people who need high levels of long-term care to live independently outside of a nursing home. Individuals with CADI can live with family, stay in their own homes, or in buildings with supportive housing options like Clare Housing.
Not only does CADI provide more choices for folks like Robert, it’s also more affordable than housing the same person in a nursing home. Robert is incredibly grateful for the program.
“I would lose everything if I lost CADI,” Robert explained. “Through this program, I get what I need to live — medications, assistance taking my meds, help to keep my home clean. I even have an Independent Living Specialist who helps me do errands like getting my social security card and shopping. I feel really connected thanks to her.”
“Without CADI my only other options would be a nursing home or to try and find work, and my body just won’t allow it. I know a lot of people don’t know about this program, but I’m here to say that CADI is essential to people like me.”
Thanks to Robert for sharing his story with us! In his free time, Robert enjoys keeping his brain sharp by playing Words with Friends, reading, and watching British mysteries like the new BBC’s Sherlock Holmes. We’re glad that Robert has found a safe, independent home with us where he can get the right level of care to succeed.
As programs like CADI and the Medicaid funds that make it possible come up for discussion by your state and national representatives, please consider sharing stories like Robert’s!