Meet Rose Teng

Clare Housing welcomes Rose Teng as one of three new Board Members in 2022!
Rose Teng (she/her) previously worked at Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers for ten years as a public policy director, and is now a Project Manager at US Bank. Rose is familiar with Clare Housing through her work and is passionate about supporting non-profits in building affordable housing.
Can you tell us what interested you in serving on the Board of Directors (BOD) for Clare Housing?
I first learned about Clare Housing when I was working in housing advocacy with non-profit developers at the Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers and was blown away by the work that the organization does at the intersection of health and housing. As someone who truly believes that housing is the foundation for success in the other areas of our lives, Clare Housing’s work really demonstrates how important that connection is. I jumped at the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors for Clare Housing to be able to support this work and be a part of the mission.
What skill or value are you most excited to bring to your service on the board?
Everyone needs safe, affordable, and dignified housing to succeed in life. I have tremendous respect for organizations that are doing the hard work of developing affordable housing and meeting the daily needs of residents. I’m looking forward to bringing my experiences working with non-profit developers in capacity building, housing advocacy and policy, and now in affordable housing financing to the board.
What does “success” mean to you in terms of your work as a board member?
Success to me means supporting Phoebe and the Clare Housing staff and working collectively to continue to make heath outcomes and stable housing opportunities possible for people living with and affected by HIV.
What do you hope to accomplish in your current term with Clare Housing?
There is still a lot to learn about Clare Housing and the fantastic work the staff is doing, so I have a goal of continuing to learn and understand the impact of Clare Housing and where the organization is going.
We look forward to working with you, Rose! Thank you for your service on the Clare Housing Board of Directors!