Thanks for a Successful 2018 A Place to Call Home! — September 29, 2018
We at tremendously grateful for the 477 attendees who joined us on September 26, 2018 for our A Place to Call Home, our Annual Fundraising program. Together, we raised awareness that HIV is very much still with us, and that housing is a powerful tool to address it. We also raised over $250,000 in funds which will contribute significantly to close our remaining 2018 funding gap.
If you were inspired by this program, we invite you to consider becoming a Table Host in 2019. Our hosts are essential to the success of this event, and our continued mission. Please contact Debbie Wyman, community outreach coordinator, at 612.236.9528 or
The next A Place to Call Home Luncheon will be held on Wednesday, September 25, 2019 at the Minneapolis Convention Center. Please save the date, and we look forward to celebrating this important mission, and this incredible community there with you!