Clare Apartments
At Clare Apartments with the provision of safe, affordable housing, coupled with supportive services, residents are in a place - many for the first time in their lives - to stabilize their health and learn the life skills necessary to securing employment, maintaining housing, and increasing their economic opportunities.
- The Apartments are part of the revitalization of an entire city block in the St. Anthony East neighborhood in Minneapolis that will include the construction of eight new town homes and the creation of usable green space.
- Architect: Cermak Rhoades Architects
- Contractor: Frerichs Construction
- Collaboration Partners: Central Community Housing Trust and Minneapolis Public Housing Authority
- Property Manager: Health Service Innovations
- 32,996 square feet total
- 32 apartments, 16 efficiencies, 16 one-bedrooms
- 10 units designated for formerly homeless persons
- 2,800 square feet dedicated to supportive services
- Public Financing ($5,878,805): Tax Credit Proceeds, Hennepin County AHIF, Minneapolis CPED, Federal Home Loan Bank, HUD-Supportive Housing Program, MHFA-Deferred Load, Family Housing Fund, MHFA-Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS, HUD-HOPWA, and NRP.
- Private Funding ($762,134): Bush Foundation, Franciscan Sisters of Rochester, Otto Bremer Foundation, Hugh J. Andersen Foundation, General Mills Foundation, Barry Foundation, The Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation, Charisma Foundation, Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, The Fingerhut Family Foundation, Bremer Bank, MAC Cosmetics/Hey City Theater, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Xcel Energy Foundation, Wells Fargo Housing Foundation, Ouellette Foundation, and individual contributions.
- Twenty units are funded by HUD's Housing Opportunity for People with AIDS [HOPWA] and are reserved for people living with HIV/AIDS and require documentation of a diagnosis of HIV disease.
- Ten of the units are funded by HUD's Supportive Housing Program [SHP] and are reserved for people who are homeless and disabled under HUD's definitions.
- Twenty-eight units subsidized by federally funded Section 8 Housing Program (residents pay 30% of their income in rent).
- Total Project Cost: $7.3 million
- Landscaped, shared greenway and garden space.
- Interior Design Elements: large windows provide lots of light in every apartment, furnished with a twin bed with built-in drawers, bedside table, small eating table, two chairs and appliances, built with durable, yet attractive materials, use of color throughout building adds interest on a limited budget.
- All services provided by Clare HousingServices that are available to everyone in the building:
- 24/7 front desk and emergency response.
- Access to a residential services coordinator who can help with making appointments, arranging transportation and linking tenants to needed services.
- Educational opportunities, for example, understanding medications, managing a budget, employment readiness, disease prevention and harm reduction.
- Opportunities for health enhancing activities and therapies, for example, meditation, massage, healing touch, shiatsu and acupuncture.
- Support groups.
- In addition, assisted living home care is available from Clare Housing to individuals who need more support to maintain their independence. These services include:
- Nursing and psychosocial assessment.
- Individualized care plans to support a tenant's health and independence.
- Regular monitoring and reassessment.