Please join us in our grassroots effort to connect friends, families, neighbors and colleagues during Clare Housing's signature event, Friends Dining with Friends. This event is a constellation of cocktail soirées, dinner parties, and social gatherings bringing friends together to raise awareness and critical funding for Clare Housing's mission.

Past parties have included such themes as bingo, pool parties, gourmet dinners, birthdays and anniversaries. Since there are very few direct expenses for Clare Housing, all proceeds will directly support our programs to serve people with HIV/AIDS.

This spring, we are planning on 30 parties to support this fundraising effort. If you are interested in hosting a FDWF event or need more information, please contact Elisabeth Loeffler, Development and Communications Director – 612-236-9524. or

Staff and mentors are available to assist you with your event planning needs. We hope to see you at a FDWF event!

It's Festive, fun and oh so easy!

Friends of Clare Housing host a personal party - ranging from a small neighborhood dinner to a catered gourmet affair - and guests are provided the opportunity to donate to Clare Housing's quality programs.

Learn More

Friends Dining With Friends 2010

Want to join this fabulous effort? Contact to learn more about hosting a party or volunteering at one of our many gatherings this spring.

Pictures from 2010

FDWF Corporate Sponsor

Special thanks to Betty and Marv Kotek of Frerichs Construction for generously sponsoring Friends Dining with Friends since 2006.

Frerichs Construction Company

FDWF In-kind Sponsors:

Please visit our in-kind sponsors websites:

Beyond Chocolates
The Floral Trunk and Gifts
Lifetime Fitness
Wilde Roast Café
Winick Photography