Five ways you can volunteer at Clare Housing.
Kitchen Angels
The kitchen is the heart and pulse of our six care homes. It is in the kitchen, chopping, cutting, slicing, dicing, cooking, baking, that volunteers are nourished. It is at the table that our residents and caregivers are nourished! Our goal is to provide a simple, nutritious meal served from the heart. Shifts are scheduled on a once a month rotation and are approximately 2-3 hours. There's always room for you at our table!
Be a Buddy
Simply stated, a buddy is a friend. Do you have space in your life to make a new friend? Clare Housing Buddies are paired one-on-one with a resident to simply provide friendship and companionship. Enjoy a simple walk, go to the movies, visit a local library, play a board game, or, simply visit over a cup of coffee. A 3-hour training is required and provided, as well as proof of a valid driver's license, insurance, and background check.
Love Gardening?
Do you like getting your hands dirty? Does digging in the dirt help you reconnect with Mother Earth? Each of our six care homes have beautiful gardens that need care. Schedule your own time to help weed, plant, rake or winterize the gardens. A garden offers a sanctuary of tranquility, beauty and peace for our residents.
Primp and Pamper
Do you enjoy helping others look their best? Our residents would LOVE a little extra pampering. A facial is a true indulgence and a wonderful way to relieve stress. Massage therapy? An experience in total relaxation that would simply delight our residents! Manicures and pedicures? Haircuts? What a treat! Clare Housing's residents will feel good about the way they look.
Special Events
Do you love attending events or party planning? Clare Housing organizes and participates in many different events and fundraisers throughout the year; such as Bingo-a Go- Go and Friends Dining with Friends. Shifts range from two hours or longer, depending on your interest!
If you are interested in exploring volunteer opportunities with Clare Housing, please contact Debbie Wyman at debbie.wyman@clarehousing.org or 612-236-9528.